
Double for Babit Lyngdoh: DMSC JK Tyre 2018 Autocross


Dimapur (Nagaland), 16 July 2018: The 4th DMSC JK Tyre 2018 Autocross successfully concluded here late on Sunday, with the Meghalaya duo of Babit Lyngdoh and Kamlesh.

Driving through twisty and hairpin turns inside the track in front of delighted crowds, Babit completed a grand double, winning the Open as well as the Above 1.1 Categories. He hit the post in a record-breaking 2:00.47 in the Open category and was equally fast (2:03:81) in the Above 1.1 category.

Kamlesh proved to be the star in the SUV category, needing 2:14.13 to emerge the victor. Sandeep Sharma of Delhi underlined his class, taking the second position in as many as three categories. He took 2:03:22 to finish behind Babit in the Open category, 2:03:91 in the Above 1.1 Category and 2:14:50 in the SUV class for two runner-up places.

Local lad Dennis Assumi too had the distinction of coming third in two races, the Open and the SUV categories

Over 60 drivers from different parts if the country participated in this three-day event organised by the Dimapur Motorsports Club. The winners were  rewarded with trophies and cash prizes

Results: Open Category: 1. Babit Lyngdoh (Meghalaya, 2:00.47); 2. Sandeep Sharma (Delhi, 2:03.22); 3. Dennis Assumi (DMSC, 2:04.28)

Above 1.1 category: 1. Babit Lyngdoh (Meghalaya, 2:03:81); 2. Sandeep Sharma (Delhi, 2:03:91); 3. Obeth (AMAM, 2:04.09)

SUV category: 1 Kamlesh (Meghalaya, 2:14.13); 2. Sandeep Sharma (Delhi, 2:14:50); 3. Denis Assumi (DMSC, 2:18.91)

Below 1.1 cc: Imli Pongen (2:06.50); 2. Atoka Awomi (2:09.78); 3. TomitoShohe (2:09.81)

Rookie: Imli Pongen (2:06.06); 2. Atoka Awomi (2:11.34); 3. Jaki Trang (2:11.41)

Special category (Lady): Phoebe (Meghalaya).

About JK Tyre Motorsport: JK Tyre has always been closely associated with the world of sports. Almost three decades back the company laid down a long term and sustained approach to promote Motorsport. Participating in this form of the sport has helped the company in continuously updating its products to meet the challenges of gruelling Indian conditions. The sport at that time in India was perceived for elite but JK Tyre took upon itself to package and redesign the sport to suit the masses. The company not only made the sport affordable but also equivalent to International operating standards. JK Tyre’s foray into Motorsport was a well thought out strategic decision to not only use and develop this virgin branding platform but also to realize the dreams of making India a force in the World of motorsport.

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